Monday, August 25, 2008

Weigh In

I'm crabby this morning, so no long post just yet.

Weigh in is good though... 151.4... down .6 pounds from last week...lowest I've been in forever.

No gym this morning. Finally got a decent night's sleep and there was no way in hell I was cutting it short to go work out. I can work out this afternoon or evening.

I did start to experience this weird tingly pain I occassionally get in my arm over the weekend. In the past the only thing that fixes it is my chiropractor so I guess I'm finally going to have to suck it up and find a chiro here in Hali. Leave it to me to wait until it's an immediate issue.

Afternoon edit: Just got off a crazy long conference call staff meeting....whew. Still have an hour of work to do and it's already 4:35....booooo. Hopefully can head to the gym after that, but I did have a kijiji guy ask if I could be home tonight. On one hand I want him to come and take this fridge off my hands, but on the other hand I hate waiting when I could be doing something constructive at the gym.

Today's eats:

- cofffeeeeeeeee
- All Bran bar
- Italian Soup with croutons
- granola bar
- carrots & hummus
- if I'm going to the gym right after work: natural pb on a small tortilla, small glass of skim milk, then dinner when I get home
- if I'm going to the gym later, I'll eat dinner first and have the snack when I get home
- dinner is my second chicken burger patty, grilled and served with another tomato & goat cheese salad (no bread left though!)
- ff vanilla yogurt with fresh berries Pin It


Natalie said...

Sorry you're grumpy but it happens! Good weigh in though. I long to be where you're at.

WWSuzi said...

Nice weigh in, hope you have a great day!!

Anonymous said...

yay on the wi.

JavaChick said...

Congrats on the weigh in. And the good nights sleep. I'm sure the crabby will wear off. :)

Jen said...

AWESOME weigh in!!!!!

I hope your arm gets better and the grumps go away!!!!

Healthy Pear said...

Good job on the weigh in!
Hope you'll find a good chiro.

Alli said...

OMG Congrats on the way in chica!!! That has to muffle a bit of the grump factor doesnt it??