Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Crabby Crabberton

Not so much crabby this morning as just feeling blaaaaah. I woke up feeling sort of nausiated...I'm guessing from my late evening workout. I hate that. I guess when I finally get my ass to the doctor I should see if she can check my iron levels and stuff like that. I am sure getting my neck and shoulders adjusted by a chiro will help too.

So yup, got to the gym for around 7pm last night. HIIT on the cross-trainer, followed by my full strength training routine. Week two is so much less painful! Lunges...no problemo. :)

Problem was by the time I got home I didn't feel like cooking a full dinner, so I had another bowl of my Italian soup and some Bear Paws (yummy!). I felt pretty good and got to bed at a relatively decent time. Had an OK sleep until about 7am when I started tossing and turning. I should've gotten up, but had no reason to so I didn't. Then I felt yucky when I did get up. Boooooo.

Anyway, busy work day so taking it easy on my poor body today. I wanted to get out for a walk at noon but I'm still feeling wobbly so I think I'll wait. Lots of time tonight to get out for some fresh air and a good stretch.

Today's eats...

- ff vanilla yogurt with blueberries & raspberries
- Special K vanilla almond with vanilla Almond Breeze
- coffee
- grapes
- Italian soup with croutons
- granola bar
- dinner out....not sure yet....
- :) Pin It


Jen said...

Sorry to hear you are crabby!!!

I know what you mean though, lately I get out of bed and I am just mad at the world!!!

Pheonix said...

Bear Paws ROCK! I like the banana bread ones, they're SO good!

Cat said...

What is a bear claw? Never heard of them!!

You're rocking the gym Jaime.....great job!