Wednesday, August 27, 2008

One Fish Two Fish

I was invited out for dinner last night, which was a nice change for mid-week! We had planned to go to a nice restaurant downtown, but when we got there they said that we needed reservations. Wha? It's Tuesday and 3/4 of the restaurant is empty. Apparently they had a few big tables coming in soon. So we ended up just going to the pub across the street....which is fine, but I'd been planning some shellfish or grilled fish or something and at a pub I rarely trust anything that isn't deep fried. Ordering seafood at a low-end pub always seems like food poisoning just waiting to happen to me. So I ordered the fish & chips. But I only ate one piece, a tiny handful of fries, and the 1/4 cup of coleslaw...then I was full and busy chatting with my friends so happily had the rest packed up for tonight. I didn't even have a drink...just diet Coke.

I tried to figure it out when I got home, and even if I ate 15 points worth...which I probably did...I was still right on my points for the day. I was busy catching up on blogs and work when I got home so I didn't even consider an evening snack. This is HUGE for me. haha.

So all in all it worked out.

This night out did cut out my idea to go for a walk last night, but such is life. Visiting with friends overrides a walk most of the time. :)

I'll be heading to the gym late afternoon today. I'm powering through work so hopefully I'll be done by about 4:30...I want to hit the gym between 5-6pm as I have to be home for a Kijiji guy to come see our fridge. No walks or bike rides since it's gross, windy & rainy out today.

Today's menu is pretty easy...

- Starbucks triple grande no-fat vanilla latte (I'm heading out for this right now!)
- All Bran Bar
- grapes
- Italian Soup with croutons
- cucumber slices & what's left of the baby carrots
- maybe 1/2 banana before the gym if I feel like I need it
- leftover fish & chips
- Bear Paws & skim milk Pin It


Jen said...

WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! That is awesome!!!! EVEN more so because it was pub fish and chips...I love those!!!

Fatinah said...

crap - now I want a latte!!

Carolyn said...

Mmm fish and chips. Frig I love that stuff. You did great though limiting yourself and you ended up within your points, now that is portion control!!!

eurydice said...

i am impressed with your portion control. it's so hard to just keep picking at the meal when you are sitting there with friends. good for yoU!

WWSuzi said...

That is a BIG NSV ;) Being able to have fun with friends without overdoing the food!! Way to go kiddo ;)

Cat said...

And now I want fish & chips....thanks.

I almost ate fish and chips in victoria so many times....then decided that we are spoiled here on the west coast (as I'm sure you are over on the east coast as well) but there is nothing like fresh queen Charlotte Halibut and chips!!

HC said...

Wowsers -- eating healthfully at a pub is no small feat -- nicely done!

Jaime said...

Well I wouldn't call it healthful! But it was a great victory for me to just stop and pack it up. I attribute the waitress with good timing too. :)

Pheonix said...

Way to go on stopping at one! I would have really struggled with that!! haha!

Unknown said...

Oooh good for you for not snacking at night! That's awesome! :)