Thursday, July 03, 2008

Snack Attack - Genuine Health Bars

While I was picking out that bland coconut snack bar the other day, I also noticed a selection of Genuine Health Bars (I think they were on sale, or at least cheaper, which would be why I noticed them...haha).

They come in a variety of flavours based on the "benefit" they offer.

I chose the Satisfibre+ Express Bar in natural blueberry (actually I think this one only comes in blueberry), but there were several other versions on the shelf to chose from. I picked this one because it listed a decent calorie count (180) with a great fibre content (7gr) and a high protein count (8gr). Next time I would probably try the Protein+ Express Bars because they come in chocolate and vanilla, and would make a better post-gym snack due to their 14gr of protein.

While I wouldn't say these were a tasty treat (like a lemon Luna bar is!) I would probably try them again. It was at least good enough to make me want to try other products by Genuine Health. I found the texture to be a little dry, but I ate it with my morning water or coffee and that did the trick. It wasn't overly fruity...I could taste the nuts, and it was obviously "healthy"...haha. Worth giving a go if you are at all into these things.

Again, this one is all natural, and I think even vegan. Those things can often lead to tasteless, so while this wasn't a home run, it was definitely in the ball park. (crappy analogies end now.)
Just as a funny side-note: when I Googled "Satisfibre Express" my blog ranked higher in the findings than the actual product page...and all I had about it up until now was a mention of it in a couple of my daily menus. haha.
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