Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Snack Attack - Liberte Yogurts

I've been mentioning Liberte Yogurt in my menu plan for a few weeks now. OMG...seriously the best yogurt I've ever had. Honest.

For some reason they don't list their Svelte products on their website, but let me tell you...you would never know this stuff is fat-free. It's thick, smooth, creamy and lovely! I especially love the vanilla flavor (as I am a vanilla freak!). I found the Moka flavor to be a bit too bitter for my taste in yogurt, but it was still good. It is higher in calories than most standard no-fat yogurts, but for the consistency, taste and enjoyment factor I'm totally willing to go for it.

This week the grocery store had the individual sized Muesli cups on sale, so I thought I would try those. They are small containers of 2% vanilla yogurt that come with little portions of organic muesli....today I had chocolate crunch and it was fab, but yesterdays was apple & raisin and it was tasty too. 220 cals for each portion, but eating it with a side of fruit seems to keep me full just long enough...so again, I'm willing to go for it.

I'll keep trying different Liberte products from now on. Because it's organic it is more expensive (the good things always are!) but sales seem fairly frequent, and sometimes you just have to pay for the stuff you love.
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1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Yum! I'm a huge fan of vanilla yogurt. Surprisingly, I find the President's Choice brand the best!