I sure felt the sodium this morning though!
So I got up and dragged my salt-loaded, tired behind to the gym. I did a full hour of sweaty, heart pumping cardio...and although I was wicked tired, I felt great and was very proud of myself for getting it done.
I did:
Treadmill: on random, level 10, varying speeds (20 mins, + 1 min cooldown)
Elliptical Crossramp: on intervals, level 4 resistance 10 and level 10 resistance 5 (20 mins, + 1 min cooldown)
Recumbant Bike: random hills, level 8, moderate speed (15 mins, + 3 min cooldown)
The best part was that I got to add 10.9km to my June personal challenge. I am so gonna make it to my goal!!
Honestly, I don't really have a menu plan today. That is unusual for me, but I've had a rough few days and I just need to not think about it. So far I gave in to a Starbucks apple cinnamon bun, but it actually really filled me up so I think it will work out OK. I also had my yummy new fave bevvie...a grande SB vanilla DoubleShot on Ice. But I stopped at the store on the way home for LOTS of fruit and more of that Liberte yogurt that I'm addicted to. So I'll fill my afternoon out with cherries, plums, apricots and lots of water....because we all know it will be leftover Chinese for din-din. :)
Can I just say TGIF?!! Hope you all have good plans for the weekend. We are hoping the sun comes back tomorrow cuz we're going to do a lazy roadtrip day and check out some potential camping spots. It's about time we started exploring our new surroundings. :)
Sounds like a great weekend planned! Especially the Chinese food part...AND the stucky bun, god I love those things. Haven't tried the SB version though.
Have a great weekend!
Sounds like you made up for your chinese food VERY well!!! And you didn't do bad with what you DID choose to eat either, I call that a success!!!
Have a fun weekend! Are you guys actually going camping now or just taking it easy???
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