Monday, June 16, 2008

Monday, meh.

Booooooo. I want my weekend back!! I have many more projects to do in and around our house, and although they are lots of work, they are definitely more fun and fulfilling than actual work. Meh.

Ah well, at least weigh in went in the right direction this morning (even after giving in to the movie popcorn last night!!)...down 1.4, to put me back at 154.6lbs. I'll take it, and hope for something similar to happen this week. :)

Today's eating plan...

- coffeeeeeee
- All Bran bar
- Liberte yogurt cup....with granola bits n stuff (4 points, but I bet totally worth it!)
- raspberries
- PC BM multigrain flax bagel w/ natural PB & banana
- cherries
- baby carrots, celery stix, hummus
- chicken skewers (marinated in Teriwacky sauce...from ESBM), grilled and served with Asian slaw
- carrot/pineapple cupcakes & peppermint tea

Gym today: 40 minutes cardio, strength training. maybe a walk this evening.
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WWSuzi said...

Congrats on the nice loss! I always have a gain after popcorn must be the salt.

JavaChick said...

I know what you mean...I worked my butt off on things around the house over the weekend. I had a good momentum going and I wish I had a few more days to keep at it!

Congrats on the loss!

Alli said...

Awesome lost. I want my weekend back too!!! =( Hmph. At least next week is a nice vacation week for me!!

Fatinah said...

wow - I'll say your weigh in went in the right direction!!! congrats!!

Carolyn said...

Nice loss!! And even after that salty popcorn! You rock. AND you did so great this weekend! (unlike moi, but I've got a plan now and feel 100% better!)
