Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Gym Recap

Got to the gym later than planned last night, but it was a good workout.

- 5 min warmup
- 15 mins incline intervals - every two minutes I changed from level 10 to level 15, back and forth - all at 3.5mph
- 5 min fast paced walking

- 20 mins incline intervals - every two minutes I changed from level 10 to level 20, back and forth - not sure of speed, but I was exhausted and sweaty
- 5 min cooldown

- 10 minutes moderate paced rowing

All in all, I travelled 4 km. Nice!!! Pin It


Alli said...

You Rock!! I need to start do the interval thing like you I have a feeling my body is tired of just teh steady. Keep up the great work!!

Fatinah said...

phew - I need a shower just reading that!