Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sunday Damage Control

So last night's plan for salad and chicken didn't work out. You all knew it wouldn't. I never order salad in a restaurant...well, hardly ever anyway. We went to The Fife & Drum and their menu was so damn boring. They did offer some sort of lame mixed greens with chicken, but I think I yawned when I read it so I ordered the fish & chips. Not bad, but let's just say I won't eat there again. On the upside, they did have Strongbow cider! Not good on the calorie front, but it's hard to find here for some reason so I had two! I got home and wasn't tired, so those damn Cheetos called my name. Gah.

Anyway, today is the day for re-grouping and getting ready to start our Eight Week Summer Challenge tomorrow. I'm so excited!!! Eight Healthy Guidelines, here I come!

Here's the big plan for today:

- Fruit Solutions Juice
- coffee
- egg salad on WW bagel
- grapes & light cheddar
- Spring Veggie Soup
- mixed green salad w/ lotsa veggies & grilled salmon, olive oil for dressing
- garlic toasted bun
- blackberries & ff Vanilla yogurt



F&V: 7/5
Whole Grains: bagel yes, bun no
Dairy: 2/2
Oil: yes
Protein: 2/2
Sugar/Booze: all good
Vitamins: multi, C, calcium
Water: 3 litres

Activity: Longest walk on the BLT Trail I can manage with the doggie. (3)
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1 comment:

Vanessa said...

I am also on Sunday Damage Control, due to a couple bottles of wine last night :P.