Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Today I'm eating...

- coffee
- 1/2 servings Arthurs Very Bery Smoothie
- carrot cupcake
- tiny portion of DBF's leftover Enchilada
- baby carrots
- strawberries & few blackberries w/ ff Lemon Parfait yogurt (added some Kashi Crunch because this became my post-gym snack)
- rice crackers & light Laughing Cow wedge

- Mushroomy Pork Loin Chops w/ smashed taters & steamed green beans
- another carrot cupcake
- tea

edit: 22/22+7AP

Activity: day off from gym, too windy to go outside (geesh!) edit: I headed to the gym! 40 minutes high intensity cardio, 20 minutes moderate intensity cardio (7)

Water: 2 litres!!

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