Thursday, December 06, 2007

Thursday Menu Surprise

Uh-oh, tonight is DBF's work dinner & dance. Food totally unknown!!

B = coffee (mmmmm....Christmas Blend!), All Bran bar, ff vanilla yogurt, 1/2 banana (5)
L = leftover chicken breast, steamed brocolli (4)
D = completey unknown! I'm driving so the drinks will be minimal. I have 13 points to get me through. Hopefully there are lots of veggies and stuff to fill up on. I will avoid the bread and any sauces, but that's all I can figure thus far. yikes!

A = maybe some dancing.....

22/22 Pin It


Jen said...

silly girl, it's a dinner and DANCE...there had better be dancing!! WORK IT!

ElleBee said...

Hope you had fun!