Sunday, March 20, 2011

Funnest Friday

All kinds of way-fun stuff happened on Friday.  So much so that here it is Sunday night and I’m just telling y’all about it!

First up:  Healthy treat!  Amazing Grass - those fabulous friends to healthy living bloggers everywhere offered up a deeeelish sample tub of their new GreenSuperFood flavour…Orange Dreamsicle!!


I’m starting to feel smoothie season peeking around the corner so the timing is excellent!  For the first time out I took it straight up…one scoop shaken (in my snazzy new shaker) with 8oz of UVAB


Tastes a little bit “green” as expected but the Orange Dreamsicle flavour comes right through.  I’ll make short work of this tub in no time.

I should have actually eaten something with the SuperDrink though…it’s not really filling but I wasn’t thinking.  Oooops.  Thankfully lunch was easy Thai leftovers…


The smidgen of red chicken curry I didn’t demolish Thursday night reheated with jasmine rice and topped with chopped up spring rolls. 

Chibi and I took an after lunch walk over to the mall for coffee.


Afternoon snackypoo of veggies and crack hummus.


Next up: I’d been looking forward to my genius dinner idea all day!!  I bought bacon last Sunday and now I finally got to use it!


BLT Pita Pizza!!


Super easy and soooo tasty!

I topped a Greek style pita with a schmear of Ranch dressing, 1.5 ounces of shredded old cheddar, 2 chopped green onions, 2 slices of crumbled cooked bacon, sliced tomatoes, ground pepper and a sprinkle of fresh parmesan.

Baked this at 350 degrees until the cheese was all melty (about 5 minutes) then turned on the broiler for 2 minutes to brown the cheese.

Out of the oven I topped with pizza with chopped romaine.  Voila…BLT on a pizza!


It’s highly probable you’ll see this again this week.  My kind of easy dinner.


Most fun: Friday night was something completely different and old school for me…out to see a DJ at a local club.  I literally had flash backs of 8 years ago and kept looking around for my old friends dancing in the crowd.


So. much. fun.  I think I sweated off 5 pounds dancing my ass off.


This is your face on pre-party bubbly and non-stop dancing.  DJ dancing is the gateway to partying til 5am.  Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

You know you wish you could rock those glasses.

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Lady J said...

Nice glasses Chica.... yummy looking pizza!! BACON ;o))

Mommyto3andahusky said...

Love your blog! I am your newest follower! :) Erin

Orionbelt24 said...

I seriously think I would eat ANYTHING with bacon on it!

I will have to look around for the orange amazing grass. Would love a little orange kick in my morning smoothie.

You ROCK those glasses, Girl! Love it!

Laura said...

lettuce on pizza, wowzers!