Thursday, December 16, 2010

Evening Kisses

So I’m scrolling through today’s photos and don’t see any breakfast shots. It’s taken me a minute to realize that I didn’t just forget to take a picture of my meal…um, I never ate it.  Whoooops.

Must have been distracted by work…and coffeeeeee….


Today wasn’t super awesome on the healthy scale.  Not horrible but definitely not what I’d planned. Fresh groceries are getting scarce and with all of the holiday festivities and plans to leave town next week I am taking it easy on the groceries.

Leftovers for lunch. I ate all of the broccoli in the TJs pasta from yesterday so pumped today’s bowl up with tomatoes and mushrooms.


While waiting on a few emails to come in I made a run to the gym. Got in a quick power walk on the treadmill and two sets of lower body. My hip started to complain a little bit and started to worry me but it seems to have passed so it seems like I’m not overdoing it. Phew.

Knowing fresh veggies probably weren’t on the menu for tonight my after workout snack was an apple with almond butter…


Followed by a cup of tea and the last of the chocolate covered PB pretzels from my Seattle Trader Joe’s visit


If you’ve been paying close attention you are now asking yourself “last of the pretzels? when did she show us the rest of the bag?”. Answer is: I didn’t.  I just shoved my hand in there day in and day out and ate  NOM!

After work I had Christmas errands to run so dinner was on the fly. I’m sure I could have made a better choice but when faced with fast food options I just can’t resist the Wendy’s chicken strips.  I can however resist their salads which is why I ended up with a baked potato. :)


I put salsa on it…that’s a veggie right?

My evening has been spent getting my Christmas list in order, sorting laundry and baking off a couple of batches of Perfect Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies…which involved the unwrapping of too many Kisses.


Who needs to taste test the cookies when you’ve already taste tested half of the ingredients?  It chocolate / peanut butter heaven in here.

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Unknown said...

Yum yum! Lately I have been forgetting to eat, too! That is so unlike me. Hmm, what is going on with us?

Unknown said...
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