Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Feast of Fields–Vancouver Island–Part Three

Now you can see why this was a three post series.  Camera toting fool’s dream!  When I wasn’t filling my face with deliciousness, I was click-click-clicking away.  Sometimes I was doing both.


Say hello to my little friend…


Chef Heidi Fink offers cooking classes, culinary tours, and more.  I just discovered her blog recently!


Pizzeria Prima Strada cooked pizzas fresh in their mobile wood burning oven, Black Beauty.


Easily the most complicated and complex offering at the Feast, the team from Camille’s Restaurant was whipping sweet corn and black sesame ice cream on the fly using elbow grease and dry ice.  Ambitious!


My first taste of barnacle…which I liked (courtesy of Sooke Harbour House).  I would take a pass on sea asparagus in the future.


After this taste of The Pink Bicycle mutton slider I’ll be making a visit to the restaurant sooner rather than later!


And that about sums it up! ;)


{Feast of Fields – Vancouver Island – Part One}

{Feast of Fields – Vancouver Island – Part Two}

Somebody put me on a treadmill stat!

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Christy said...

LOL, that last photo cracked me up. Great photo ops and the food looks fabulous. Definitely need to check this out next year! :)

Ingmarie said...

dont give up on sea asparagus- I had it for the first time ages ago at Devour with halibut and quinoa and it was delish! worth a second chance.

Laura said...

sorry i havent commented on the other two posts. i have read them.

i'm unbelievably jealous & incredibly excited about these posts.

i don't think i would have been able to contain myself.

Anonymous said...

Yum, yum! This looks way better than our rather mundane version--Taste of Calgary. Can I come live with you? You have better food. :p

Do you have to just pay an admission fee and then sample whatever you want, or do you have to pay for each thing? Is it expensive?