Today started out bleary, got better, got happy, got hot, got irritating, got better again, then got done. And now here I am.
Bleary was taken care of with coffee...
And Squirrelly goodness...toasted with crunchy PB and Supercrack.
Served with one of those deeeelish little oranges my Mama brought me.
Bleary continued through my two hour conference call, but not long after that things got better. The post lady buzzed and told me she had a package for me! Happy! I knew it was from Becki!
Look at this bundle of housewarming love that sweet, sweet girl sent my way. Amazing!
Starbucks loot!! A Canada mug to commemorate my road trip, Gazebo blend for iced coffees on my sunny patio, Kenya to enjoy with my new Bodum!!!
A little something to brighten my kitchen wall. :)
And treats to enjoy when no one is looking. :) Hot chocolate mix, Crème Brulee kit, blueberry smoothie love, and a little somethin' somethin' for the next bigass salad.
Thank you Becki! You honestly made my day. Maybe my week! I wish you were closer so I could hug you. xox
As much as I wanted to tear into that Crème Brulee it wasn't going to happen during the work day so I made lunch instead. Leftover boring soup spruced up with chopped fresh tomatoes and a dollop of light sour cream...
With a side of wheat crackers, light Laughing Cow, and salsa.
And veggie stix and dip.
After work my new friend Rose picked me up to go check out a downtown gym. We are both kind of considering our gym options and she found one offering a promotion we thought we'd check out. I snacked on an Oatmeal Raisin Bar before running out the door.
Now here's where the day went ugly for me. I'm not going to tell you which gym it is because this blog is not about throwing people under the bus, but suffice to say I ranted a little bit about it on Facebook today because I was pizzed when we walked out of there.
To keep a long story short: There were TWO of us there for the appointment to check the gym out. The guy serving us seemed nice enough (for a pushy salesperson) but... he spent the entire time only talking to Rose. I don't know if he didn't realize that I was considering a membership too, or if he thought Rose was cute, or what his damage was but I was somewhat insulted. Dude never asked me any direct questions and when I did speak he barely acknowledged me. Normally I wouldn't let it bother me but today it hit a sore spot. I came home ready to blast the gym all over Twitter, Facebook, my blog and anywhere else I could get it. Thankfully I was wise enough to hold my tongue, take a deep breath, and walk away.
I did send one angry tweet: "When giving poor service just remember some of us have a wide social media reach." I mean honestly, you never know who you are pissing off now do you?! I could have named names if I was a smaller person. Neither of us really cared for the gym anyway, but even if I had...that guy totally lost the sale for his employer.
...and now back to our regularly scheduled sane blogging...
To calm down I hit up the Mayfair Market...where I got my hands on some deeeelish treats I will show you in the morning...then headed over to The Root Cellar to stock up on more fresh produce than one gal needs.
One last stop at Thrifty Foods got me this yummy little chicken cordon stuffed with shallots, rosemary, and feta and coated with panko. 20 minutes in the oven at home and dinner was served.
With zucchini sautéed in EVOO with fresh garlic, cracked pepper, coarse salt, and fresh tomatoes tossed in at the end.
Even though it was late I just could NOT skip dessert. I had to jump into the fresh BC berries I bought today. These blueberries are freaking heaven in a box...I got them for freezing but at the rate I'm going I might just eat enough to turn into a blueberry.
Blackberries and raspberries too.
All layered up parfait-style with Lemon Liberte...
Yes Cat, I know fruit isn't dessert. But when mixed with crack yogurt I think it's OK. :)
How is fruit not a dessert?
Its sugar if get technical.
I'm uber jealous of your berries, i want summer back.
Sorry about your gym experince
Wow, sorry to hear about such horrible customer service at the gym!
I have found that customer service is lacking A LOT where ever you go. :( Pisses me off, especially since you're paying for the product or service.
Awesome goodies! ;)
....seriously, eat your fruit.
I'm not saying its not sweet.....I'm just saying it's more a snack than a dessert.
At least to me. In my mind, dessert pretty much has to have zero nutritional benefit. Which is why it's a treat. Fruit is not a treat to me.
And that is all.
That guy sounds like a dick. Karma will get him.
I'll have to tell my friend Eric about that market. All that fruit loot looks amazing :)
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