Thursday, July 01, 2010

CCCRT – Day Four

Third leg:  Montreal, QC to Toronto, ON

Mileage:  650 km

Time:  6 hours

Pee breaks:  four                       Gas stops:  one

Comfort Level:  Pain in lower back.  Had to add rolled up towel for lumbar support at hour four.  This is going to be a long trip if this keeps up.


A bit of a late start so brother Jeremy made me coffee and I stole his last almond croissant for breakfast.  No camera made it to the table.  :)  Nom.

Hit the road around noon thinking I had about 4.5 – 5 hours ahead of me, but turned out Google Maps was way off and it was just over 6 hours.  Gah.

The border isn’t all that far from Montreal…


I was happy to cross the border because immediately upon entering Ontario the roads got markedly better.  (I forgot to mention how when I crossed from NB to QC the roads got effing terrible…and the speed limit dropped significantly!!)


I stopped for my first pee break and grabbed a hot tea and yogurt snack while I had the chance…


Stoopy has decided he likes to chill out on the floor under his seat.  Whatever makes him happy!


I have a thing for clouds.  I’m trying to get a fabulous picture.


Mr. Man joined me for a while…isn’t he handsome?!


After a while I busted into the snack mix from my treat bag.  This was part of my cross-border loot exchange with Sara…dry roasted nut and fruit clusters…


Pretty proud of my clear, centered shot of the big apple at Cobourg.


On my last pee break before hitting Toronto I ate my Canada donut…hehe.  It was a boring terrible donut, but it was funny.


The lovely TomTom directed me along the crazy highway 401 and Don Valley Parkway (Parking Lot!) with no troubles.  I didn’t piss off any Ontario drivers and got to Marie’s place without incident.

After a bit of relaxation and hot shower Marie and I headed off to meet Andrea for dinner.  (We were supposed to meet Jen too but she had a work emergency…boooooo!).

Turns out Andrea lives literally two blocks away from Marie so they picked out a restaurant for us.  Fire on the East Side.

I started with a white sangria.  Shockingly it came in a Big Gulp glass.  LOL.  Wasn’t quite expecting a fish bowl of beverage! 


I had to sample Marie’s corn bread.  Jalepeno goodness with honey for drizzling…


I’ve been craving veggies like nobody’s business so I opted for the Watercress & Endive Salad to start…


And learned what Étouffée is…basically jambalaya…this one with lobster, shrimp, crab, smoked turkey and chorizo.  Ah-freaking-mazing.  It was huge and I have leftovers that I’m putting in my cooler to take on the road.


After a lot of blog girl chatter and good eats we decided to take some photos I forced the girls in front of the lens.


Marie giving me shit.


Andrea and Marie mocking me.


Andrea being a good sport with me (and my bad road trip hair).

Mr. Stoopy wasn’t pleased with having to be shoved back into his little carrier to get into the apartment, but promptly made himself at home in Marie’s living room.  I think he’s glad to have left Jeremy and Sarah’s crazy feline behind in Montreal.  :)


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Miranda @ MirandasJeans said...

Glad to see you didn't miss The Big Apple while driving to the Tdot. Happy Canada Day!

Laura said...

Happy Canada day

Its so weird that food bloggers don't like being photographed, it's what happens whenever I meet them.

hrclark said...

I love that Mr. Stoopy is doing ok, that is great!

Be Safe and Have Fun

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great time with Marie and Andrea!

PS. Tim Horton's donuts always seem to look better than the actually taste.

marie said...

Huh? Don't like being photographed? I do that on purpose.

But then again, I'm not a food blogger.


Angela Power said...

Oh Hi Marie! *waves*

Looks like Mr. Stoopy is really doing well in the car!! That's great!

Andy said...

I love that I look EXACTLY the same in both photographs! Haha! Almost to the point that it looks photoshopped. I think I have to work on some new expressions or something! :)

Twas great meeting both of you ladies! Thanks again for inviting me!