Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Need Green

Of all the days to be out of spinach!  I want a greeeeen smoooothieeeee!  Boooooo.  Guess I’ll be stopping at the grocery store this afternoon!

Instead I had to have oatmeal.  Oh darn!  :)


In the potUVAB, water, cinnamon, flax meal, 1/2 banana, whole oats

On top:  Coconut Liberte yogurt, granola yumminess…


The yogurt stirred in made it extra creamy & deliciousIs there anything this yogurt can’t do?

Enjoyed with a dbl tall half-sweet vanilla non-fat latte I picked up this morning…


To make up for the lack of healthy eating I’ve done the last couple of days, I went straight for a bigass salad for lunch.

Kind of a “clean out the dying produce” salad.

In the big bowlorganic mixed Italian greens, celery, carrots, beets, red onion, cucumber…


Then I decided to add Ambrosia apple


Which called for a honey & olive oil drizzle…plus some herby goat cheeeeeese


Heaven in a big silver bowl. *sigh*


With cinnamon pita chips


And more caffeine…it’s a long day today.


You may (or more likely may not) have noticed that I didn’t make it to the gym this morning.  The reasons are two-fold:

  • FH didn’t have to be at work until later, so there wasn’t really time.
  • I woke up with such a stiff neck that I can barely turn it.  Booo.  I’m thinking hot shower and yoga tonight.  Let’s hope!
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H-woman said...

Coconut yogurt can do amazing things!

Hope your neck feels better.

H =)

Claudia said...

Love Goat Cheese in my Salad!!
I will need to look for Coconut Yogurt... I don't think my Loblaws carries it.

Jen said...

I am totally biting the bullet and buying some spinach tonight for smoothies!

Take care of yourself and your elegant neck girl!!

healthyjen said...

Mmmm... goat cheese! I hope your neck feels better!!

NSGIRL said...

I have been eyeing up that coconut yogurt for awhile. Haven't tried it yet as I am trying to go a little lighter on the calories & fat...but I will try it sooner or later! I love anything coconut!

skinny me! said...

I think I might have mentioned this before, but can you please come to Toronto and cook for me sometime? Even your simple foods look amazing!