Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Mother Load

Can I just tell you how brilliant I think I am for coming up with these cross-border exchanges?  Exchange #3’s box arrived this morning and it’s seriously the mother load people!  Krista from weight watchin in colorado went ALL OUT! 

(so good in fact, I fear my package to her pales in comparison)


(sorry, ignored the valentine’s bear and Amazing Meal)

(hmmmm…Krista, this is definitely not within the price limit!)

She found me the Kashi cookies, the Clif Zbars, Justin’s PB packets, Luna cookies, and a bazillion other fun things.

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Barney Butter couldn’t be found…but hello MaraNatha chocolate PB!


And coffee.  Good coffee.  Sumatra coffee from Colorado.  *bliss*  (She obviously pays attention when reading my blog!!)


And so much more.  She even included a nice letter telling me about her life and her town (duh, why didn’t I think of this!?).


Thank you, Krista!  This was truly a fabulous package to open. 

Of course, I tore right into the chocolate peanut butter Luna Cookie to enjoy with my Saturday latte…

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Soft and chewy.  Lightly peanut buttery.  Deeeelish.  And you know what?  Actually a bit filling! 

Today is going to be a good day.  :)

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sarah said...

How very lovely!! I think this is a great idea.

Unknown said...

wow... that's an awesome package!! :) I'm glad you started this up too!! So much fun!

Anonymous said...

Wow, nice! I am curious to know what the Clif Kids things are, because I like Clif bars but they're kind of high calorie for something that doesn't have enough protein to be more than a snack. And I LOVE the idea of sending a letter with pictures & info about her hometown!

HangryPants said...

I have those mittens! I am cool!!!!

Claudia said...

Chocolate PB!! I totally want some of that ... and Kashi has cookies?
I think I need to make a trip to Buffalo for some shopping.

Katie said...

What a cool package! Those exchanges are a great idea.

Amanda@BustingThroughIt said...

My heart skipped a beat when I saw those Kashi cookies!

Anonymous said...

can we exchange i want brookies!!

Laura said...

Sweet score! All that stuff looks awesome. Happy weekend....

Unknown said...

what a great idea! you got some seriously awesome products there! i would LOVE to try that dark chocolate maranatha pb!!

Lex said...

What an exchange! I love all of the little notes & the background she gave!

Bec said...

wow what an exchange! glad you got some justin nut butter, it is amazing :)

Angela Power said...

That's an AWESOME exchange package! Great job Krista!!

I bought like 3948 of those Justin's squeeze packs last Fall and still have a few left. I love them. The maple one rocks.

I bought those snappea crisps at PO once and I really like them! It says that snap peas and salt are pretty much the only ingredients and I can't for the life of me figure them out!

Katie and Matt said...

What a good score! The Luna Cookies, Kashi Cookies, the PB packs and the Dark Chocolate PB all look so yummy. Enjoy :)

Jaime said...

Angie...I think the peas might be popped like popchips. maybe?

afigueroa21...I don't think those brookies would travel well at all. I have a few exchanges lined up already and honestly it's costing a lot of money so I'll be dialing back a bit. Lots of bloggers have mentioned wanting to do it though so ask around!!