630am: drive FH to work
700-900am: drink coffee, check email/Twitter, setup uTorrent finally, blog
900-1000am: dishes, clean & tidy kitchen, dust & polish living room furniture
1000-noon: clean downstairs bathroom, vacuum main floor, strip beds and start laundry
noon: make pancakes!
Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Pancakes to be exact.
(using UVAB instead of milk and a drizzle of canola oil instead of melted butter)
Topped with real maple syrup and caramelized bananas…
With a scrambled egg on the side…
12:30-100pm: fiddle on the internet, realize torrents take VERY long time
100-300pm: wash breakfast dishes, clean upstairs bathroom, scrubby the tubby, vacuum upstairs, swap laundry
300: make smoothie!
Very Berry Smoothie to be exact.
In the blender: 1/2 cup frozen raspberries, 1/2 cup frozen strawberries, 1/2 frozen banana, Amazing Grass Wild Berry Kidz Superfood, 1 cup UVAB, water to thin
315-330pm: make self presentable for public (ie: blush and jeans)
330-530pm: get groceries, run errands, get take-out sushi!
530-630pm: commence sushi coma
With edamame…
Spicy tuna roll…
California roll…
630pm: smile contently, wish for more sushi to appear
630-730pm: vegetate and hope for something on TV, doomed by Superbowl Sunday, realize HIMYM is not downloading for tonight, start another torrent and cross fingers
730-830pm: finish puttering, put groceries away, polish kitchen table, arrange new centerpiece, swap laundry, fold towels, remake bed
830-900pm: Booty Camp Fit DVD Ab-Solute Abs!, pack gym bag for tomorrow morning, wonder how I’m going to drag my butt outta bed without FH here
900-945pm: make batch of Chocolate Cranberry Almond Granola Bars
945-1000pm: wash baking dishes, fluff new pink Snuggie in dryer
1000pm-now: cuddle up in previously mentioned Snuggie, realize plans for HIMYM are not going to happen, watch mindless TV (Modern Family anyone?), blog
1100pm: stare at TV for hour
midnight: collapse with cat in gloriously clean and comfy bed, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
you are too cute! I always have edamame with my sushi:) YUMMY!
We all have pick snuggies at Booty Camp Head Quarters:) LOVE IT!!! <333
haha.. I love this post!! I want a snuggie... a pink one to be exact!! :) I also love modern family... I was only half watching it though, and half blog reading!! :)
Your date involved way too much cleaning for me :) Love the Snuggie!
Haha - love the snuggie! I have one, too - but it is the Broncos colors!
Ohmigod! I believe that was one of THE most productive days I have EVER read about!!
I seriously wish I had been THAT productive yesterday! That is amazing!!
you are so friggin cute!
I LOVE productive days! And I wish my snuggie were pink! I'm jealous!
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