Monday, January 25, 2010

What did YOU do this morning? :)

All before 9am:

Cardio day at the gym…

  • Treadmill – speed building, alternating speeds between 4.6/5.4/6.0 mph, 2% incline, almost 3km, 25 minutes (including walking warm up and cool down)
  • Elliptical – interval program, 4% vs 10% incline, level 5, 2.5km, 22 minutes (including cool down)
  • Rowing machine – tension of 8 (just discovered how to adjust the tension!), used Susan’s approach of over handed vs under handed, 2 mins each, total 10 mins.
  • Finished up with 2 sets x 12 back extensions and side extensions.

We were out of coffee at home, so stopped for a new bag and picked up a latte on-the-go


Starbucks double tall half sweet vanilla non fat latte.

I actually saved my coffee for after my shower and supah green smoothie


In the KA today:  ice, 1/2 banana, 1 tbsp cocoa, 3 tbsp whole oats, drizzle of real maple syrup, 2 tsp flax meal, 2 big handfuls organic baby spinach, about 8oz unsweetened Almond Breeze.


I used the syrup and cocoa to make up for the missing vanilla flavor…not too shabby.  The oats help add protein, which I’m lacking since I ran out of Amazing Grass.  sad.


Combined with the latte this did keep me full for about 2.5 hours.

At which time I just about broke the door off the fridge trying to get to another plate of Thai leftovers


Just a scoop of rice left, topped with a couple of pieces of chicken and the bestest red curry sauce…along with another scoop of pad thai.

I’ve already cleaned out most of the veggies, so I added a side of (over)steamed broccoli and cauliflower


Wish also enjoyed a bit of a curry bath.  So friggin yum. Yum!!

I am actually really enjoying these early morning workouts.  Anyone that has been hanging out here for any length of time is very aware that I am NOT a morning person, but I sure do love having the extra kick in my morning step and the added bonus of my workout being done and out of the way.  What am I going to do the next time FH has to go to sea?  eeeeeek.

Do you workout in the morning/afternoon/or evening?  Is that the way you like it?

Now I’m going to enjoy a sweet treat…a Candy Cane Tootsie Pop!  All the way from South Carolina!  Thanks to Kat for that!!


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Kelly said...

I have literally just started an AM exercise routine. Not quite sure what to think of it yet. I love having the workout out of the way and being more awake at 9am but the initial 6am alarm is absolutely killing me, im such a ratbag in the morning, always have been. Wondering if there will ever be a time i dont physically hate waking up at such an hour and dreading going to the gym? Its been about a week so far getting up at 6 am about 3 times through the week then a visit at the weekend. Any Tips? Will it get easier? (please say yes) haha! The morning is pretty much the only time I have at the minute to fix exercise in, so I really want to try and stick to it as much as I can! xx

M A D D O X said...

Hello There =)
I see u had a beautiful morning
I wish u had a guest-book for this blog , I'd love to sign it someday
I think your blog is amazing
and your photography too !
and also :P u take the most amazing shots for food ! I mean all I wanna say is " yummmmmmmy " , I open this blog whenever I'm hungry :P lol , I think your photography works for advertisement :P keep it up
I'm a daily follower

JavaChick said...

Good for you!

I tried the morning workout thing for a while, but I am so far opposite from being a morning person that it just did not work. It made me cranky and I skipped more workouts that way, oddly enough.

So it's right after work for me. Mostly that works pretty well.

K-Pow said...

I am an early bird (Mon-Fri)..I'm up at 4:30 a.m. and normally at the gym shortly after 5:00 a.m. I find that this is the best way to start off my day :)

On the weekends I cut myself some slack and just workout whenever I get up!

Awesome job on your workouts...I find the biggest thing is just finding something that works for you (no matter what time of day it is.

Natalie said...

I work out after supper because I can't get up earlier than 6am. There's no way I could consistently get up to work out at 5am. No and never. I've tried it and it makes for a uber grouchy girl :D

Jackie said...

I so wish I could workout in the AM. I already get up anywhere between 4:30-5:30 to go to work, and I just can't get up earlier than that. Maybe if I could ever get to bed before midnight I'd have a hope.

Kim said...

Those are my favorite Tootsie Pops! I bought a bag at Christmas and only have 2 left. Sad!

Susan said...

YES to the morning workouts!! I'm with you - it adds an extra bounce to my step at work all day, and it's nice not to have to worry about it for the rest of the day. I'm honestly not a morning person either, but it's just SO much easier to stumble out of bed and straight to the gym, than to argue with myself over whether or not I feel like going all the day.

Also, totally jealous over here about the candy cane tootsie pop!

Connie B said...

Wow, great job on the workout!! Smoothie looks great! Wow, a candy cane tootsie pop!! YUM!!

Heather said...

I would really like to work out in the morning but can't never seem to drag myself out of bed so I gave up. Maybe once I get the working out into more of a routine.

Nicole said...

I'm a morning workout person. Only for the fact that after I spend an entire day at work the last thing I want to do is talk myself into doing my activity. So, I'm up at 5:30 at least three days through the work week and gettin' it done!!

Kat said...

There was a 2-week period in undergrad where I actually got my butt to the gym at 5:30 in the morning and LOVED how it made me feel all day long. I had time between getting home and going to work or class that I could leisurely enjoy some TV and coffee and actually apply makeup! However, I burned out FAST because I feel queasy that early in the morning if I don't get enough sleep (which I rarely did then). I wish I could get back in that habit and transition from night owl to early bird!! Glad you're enjoying the pops!! :D