Sunday, January 10, 2010

Wasn’t That a Party!

Happy Birthday to my gal pal Miss Bonnie!  Her hubby Byron put together a fun party for her (and his brother Bruce…his birthday too!) at The Foggy Goggle here in downtown Halifax.  They rented out the pub for a private function for the night.


The consensus was that most of the 100+ people at the party had never been to The Foggy Goggle.  FH and I liked the atmosphere and will be going back on a regular business night to check out the menu and usual atmosphere.  The staff seemed pretty cool so I’m sure it’s going to be a place we add to our restaurant repetoire.  I’m intrigued by the Foggy Spuds!

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I got to wear my favorite sweater dress again!  :)  (and yes I totally took my own picture in the bathroom…LOL…they had a really nice bathroom with HUGE mirrors!)


Bonnie rocked a cute pillbox hat that I coined her ‘Sex and the City’ hat…

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We danced…

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There was cake…

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(which I completely missed eating!)

Bruce’s band Skully rocked the stage all night…

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Byron beatboxed…


I drank vodka/sodas and water.  :)  Not a whole lotta food on hand so I didn’t get pictures…maybe three crackers with dip and a few handfuls of fruit.

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Hence the reason I made a gooey grilled cheese when I got home (don’t judge!  I earned that fake cheese dammit!)…


Like a good girl I chugged a bigass glass of water before bed too…


FH wasn’t feeling well at all so he actually came home before the party even really got started.  He was missed.  Especially when people starting joining the band on stage…he sooooo coulda entertained the crowd!  I kept myself busy dancing with the girls and meeting some new people…but I missed my date!

All in all a great time had by all.  Thanks again to Bonnie & Byron for a fab party!  mwah.  (I’m keeping the videos of Byron beatboxing and Bonnie shaking her booty for possible blackmail later….bwahahaha!)  ;)

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Anonymous said...

Byron looks VERY familiar to me.... why is this? lol

Sarah said...

OMG - my name is Sarah and I have been readying your blog for about a year now - you are an amazing inspiration and I love reading your blog.

Your friend's husband Byron and his brother Bruce were totally on Taking It Off - they were my favourite on that show!! :D

Hahaha I know that was really nerdy of me but that is so cool :)

Alison Fay said...

Sounds like you had a great night! Still love that sweater dress!

Vanessa said...

Looks like an awesome time! Absolutely love the sweater dress :D

Anonymous said...

I watched them of Taking it Off too! You looked super hot! I love that outfit on you.

Nadia said...

I recognize them too! Again, love the sweater dress!

Laura said...

Love that sweater dress! Looks like such a good time.