Wednesday, November 11, 2009

019 Pin It


Chris said...

I just saw one on these last week. A guy from Canada was down here in California on business.

Shirls said...

I think one day of respect for those that put their life on the line is simply not enough. They do this so that others can have freedom, they are beyond amazing and the least we can do is be grateful, thoughtful and appreciative in response. In my family (we lost so many during WWI and WWII) it is the norm to wear a poppy. Last year when I was in the US I was wearing my poppy and got so many questions, I didn't realize it was a Canadian thing. Seems like a small gesture to help our veterans by showing some respect and adding some meager funds.

maria said...

That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

Vanessa said...

OldGoogleAccount said...

Beautiful. Thank you.