Friday, October 16, 2009

No Nog Before November

In preparation for another Haliblogger GTG tonight I figured I had better get the earlier portion of the day blogged now, because knowing my girls it’s gonna be a late night!

Thankfully we’ve agreed on no booze.  I have to be bright eyed and bushy-tailed (kinky!) when FH comes home tomorrow!!!  WooT for 24 hours in 8 weeks. (pathetic I know!)

Full-caf Friday.  No reason, I just decided that Fridays deserve full caffienation.


With Egg Nog!  I broke my own “no Nog before my birthday” rule.  I blame Angie.  (Amy, was that appropriate use of “quotes”?  haha)


Light breaky.  A preview of the baked treats for tonight’s gathering.  Along with a Honeycrisp apple…of which I ended up only eating half. 


Lunchy leftovers.  Reheated in the oven some haddock and sweet tater fries.  With some fruity-fruit salad.

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Fruit bowl:  pomegranate!, kiwi, pear, reeeeeeally ripe banana.


I just tried to hold a water chugging contest on Twitter.  No one joined, so I win!!!  haha.  1 litre in 15 minutes.  I might do it again before heading to Lex and Dave’s where I know there’s a plethora of treats just awaiting our consumption.

T-minus 18 hours til FH arrives!! 

*dances around

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Anonymous said...

Your "...bushy-tailed (kinky!)..." comment made me roar. Too funny!

Unknown said...

Have a great time.....just lock the door tell him you require a few hours couple time!

Enjoy your time, as brief as it is....

lots and lots of love...


Kim said...

I'm so glad he'll be home for a bit! Hope it was a great time!