Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I Gotta Feelin’ You Can’t Touch This

For Saturday we had to make some changes in our plans due to crappy Nova Scotia weather.  Booooo.  It turned out to be a great time though, so who needs a silly wine tour in the Valley anyway?  ;)

Cat, Mike and I started our day out with a tiny bit of a sleep in and a late breakfast at The Armview.  Gotta love some eggs and bacon after a late night out!

Mushroom & Cheddar Omelette with a side of bacon.  The pan fries were particularly perfect!

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For daytime adventures, the boys plus Angie decided to tour around The Citadel.  I have been there a couple of times (once on my own before we moved here, and once with Tiffaney earlier this year) so I was happy to hear a few of the other girls just wanted to grab coffee while we waited on the rest.


We are NOT addicted to Half-Sweet, Non-Fat Pumpkin Spice Lattes at all!

After coffee, we picked up Mike from the rest of the group and did a quick trip to get changed and drop of my car.  Cat & I both wanted to have some drinkies so we took a cab to meet the rest of the gang at The Halifax Feast.


OMG.  So funny!  Haligonians, I definitely recommend this.  I’ll be convincing FH to do an Xmas date night there for their next show.

I didn’t photograph the food, but we were served a small starter salad, fresh breads, and our choice of several main courses.  I ordered the haddock…it was OK…typical dinner theatre food.  I think I’d go for the pork or roast beef next time as those options seem to have received the best reviews.  There was some sort of apple pastry thing at the end that was kinda tasty too.

Of course, it isn’t about the food, it’s about the show.  “High School Reunion – The Musical”.  Seriously laugh out loud funny.  The MC Hammer “You Can’t Touch This” bit, was worth the cost of the entire thing.  So.effing.funny.

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Typical, they managed to get someone from our group up on stage too…Amy’s Andrew was a great sport!


I had three glasses of wine during the show.

Then we headed for Maxwell’s Plum where I FINALLY FOUND STRONGBOW ON TAP!!!  OMG people, this is HUGE!  I know where I’ll be wanting to go when I’m in the mood for my favorite bevvie from now on.  :)  And I would like to welcome Angie to the world of Strongbow…thanks Tasha for getting her to try it.  hehe.


After a pint or two, we headed back to Angie’s for our last night with the whole out-of-town gang.  Lex and Dave presented us with a funny game called “What?” that most of us played and laughed our asses off.  Farm Girl fed me shooters which I still plan to kill her for.  :)


We ended the evening with another group rendition of this GTG’s theme songI Gotta Feeling”.  We were all tired but determined.  Farm Girl and I landed up on the floor…possibly due to the fact that we drank more than anyone else…shhhhhhhh.  LOL.

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Funny how I wound up drinking on alternate nights to a lot of the group.  oooops.  hehe. 

Lex and Dave graciously drove us home again (seriously we so totally owe you guys!!) and I think it was somewhere around 5am when I dragged my sorry butt to bed.  Insanity.

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Unknown said...

LOVE THIS POST!! I miss you girls and I wish I could go back in time.c

Angela Power said...

Awesome post!!

Yes I heart strongbow to the point where I'm making a point of picking some up to have in my fridge!!

Look at you and Les! lol

Vanessa (Last Night's Leftovers) said...


Anonymous said...


I completely forgot about you guys ending up on the floor!!!

THose buttery nipples are DANGEROUS!!!!