Saturday, August 29, 2009

Friday Food Porn

I have a whole lotta food porn from yesterday so I’ll get right to it.

Breakfast:  quick and easy…the last of the Lemon Liberte sprinkled with hulled hemp seeds…served with a chopped up white nectarine…juicy and deeelish.  The only decent nectarine I’ve had all Summer!

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Lunch: completely random salad.  Romaine, yellow peppers, cherry tomatoes, leftover roasted veggies, leftover rice.  Ranch dressing and salsa.  Plus leftover guacamole and tortilla strip salad toppers.

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Cookie Friday:  thanks to Tina and her Tweets about “cookie Friday” I couldn’t resist the two last chocolate chip/pecan/raisin cookies sitting on my counter.  nom nom.


Dinner:  surf and turf! 

A while back I put together a bunch of scallops & bacon and froze them…so I popped a few in the oven last night and let me just say…deeeeeelish!!

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FH cooked us up a couple of sirloin steaks on the BBQ, and I made a basic spinach salad to go with.  Spinach, mushrooms, red onion, cherry tomatoes, shredded cheddar, and balsamic vinaigrette.

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There was yet another trip to DQ after dinner too.  Yes, that’s two nights in a row!  I’m a machine apparently.  Thankfully I had my noon workout

At the gym: 20 minute treadmill run + upper body + mini abs.

I proceeded to go into an ice cream coma and fell asleep about 20 minutes into the movie we were watching.  I was exhausted…but of course when we went to bed I couldn’t sleep.  After 45 minutes of staring at my pillow I got up and read for an hour…then slept but kept waking up every half hour after 6am.  Not exactly how I like to start my Saturday!!

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Anonymous said...

mmm . . . i love bacon wrapped scallops . . .

Marisa @Loser for Life said...

So much goodness, I'm drooling on my computer!

skinny me! said...

Serious deliciousness!!!!!