Thursday, July 30, 2009

This post brought to you by the letters BB

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh…FH is at work overnight so I have the TV all to myself.  You know what that means?  Four episodes of Big Brother!!  WooooT.  hehe. Is it bad that I like Jessie this time? 

The rest of my day was pretty tame.  Worked a bit late, did some tidying, made egg salad, went to the gym.  I waited all day for UPS to show up with my new BlackBerry (weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!) but for some reason they never showed!!  The website STILL says it’s scheduled for on time delivery TODAY.  Gah.

Afternoon sweet tooth:  a new Nature Valley Sweet & Salty bar – Dark Chocolate Nut.  Pretty tasty but for the extra calories it’s not as good as a Kashi dark chocolate granola bar.

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At the gym I did another treadmill run (exactly the same as yesterday), sweat up a storm, and did some lower body strength training since that’s the majority of what we would have done at Booty Camp.  (Oh!  haha, I forgot to mention Camp was cancelled due to weather…yes. again.  We don’t get a Summer this year apparently.)

Lower Body:  1 minute each: regular squats, plie squats, 1 legged squats (30 seconds each leg), regular/reverse lunges.  3 x 15 hamstring curls on the ball.

Other:  wrist bends with 5lb weights, bicep curls with 10ob weights, 1 minute plank, 1 minute side plank (1 minute each side)

Dinner was a bit of an odd combo, but it filled the tummy!  I had been planning on grilled zucchini and some kind of lean meat, but because I had a smokie at lunch I didn’t want any more meat today…so instead I used some of the egg salad I made earlier on a piece of toast and served it with my grilled zucchini.

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Yummy in my tummy!  The egg salad is just two boiled eggs, green onion, pickle, light mayo, s&p.  The zucchini was simply drizzled with EVOO, sea salt & pepper…grilled up on the Griddler (LOVE that thing!).


No plans for dessert, but I do admit that the little bag of Swedish Berries I have stashed in my purse (leftover from the airport) has been calling my name… :)

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eurydice said...

i have to say - your food photography is really improving - i drool over every meal you post!

Lex said...

OMG - I have been thinking the same thing about Jesse... I kind of don't dislike him this year?!?!

Angela Power said...

I dispise Jesse but I'm liking him a bit more than before. The more they don't show him talking the more he's likeable! lol

Anonymous said...

Grill marks make everything taste better, hehe! :)

JavaChick said...

Compared to a lot of this year's house guests, Jesse is pretty close to likeable.

And I can't believe tomorrow is the first of August and we haven't had summer yet. I can already tell it's gonna be a long winter.
