Tuesday, July 28, 2009

That’s What She Said

Quote of the weekend. That’s what you get when you spend three days on a pontoon boat with avid fishermen (and woman!). Have you ever noticed how every fishing comment can be construed two ways?

“I think your rod is too long.”

“Did you see how big that thing was?”

“Boy, that sucker sure is slippery.”

I told them I’m going to have shirts made for them so I don’t have to hear that line ever again. They can just point at the shirt. :)


As for photos, I’m a terrible food blogger. Not one shot of any of our food. I sort of put my camera down and completely forgot about it, except for a few shots out on the boat. The trip was more about stepping away from technology and enjoying nature anyway…um, except for the people with Blackberries and the movie we watched on Friday night via a large screen laptop. hehe. (OK, so my only excuse is that I suck.)

I will say that food was actually quite healthy. Pancakes, yogurt and fresh berries for breakfasts. My homemade granola bars, grapes and apples for snacks. Lean beef burgers, huge salads, and simple chicken & pasta for dinners & lunches. Only one night of drinking and that was really only a few drinks for a drinking game (although those 4 drinks were consumed in under 45 minutes…eeeeek, have any of you every played Circle of Death? It’s nuts).


Good times. Now back to the real world. Today is all about keeping up the water (6 people used 72 bottles this weekend…not bad!), getting to the gym (who knew I’d miss my running?!) (oh, actually it’s Booty Camp night!), and restocking the fridge with fresh, healthy foods.

Vacation over. Boooo.

** Did you enter for your chance to win a FREE Four Week Booty Camp? Do it now. (I’m extending the deadline to this Friday at 5pm Pacific Time). Put a link back to the contest and let me know about it for an extra entry. So far there are only two entrants, so the odds are really good. Where are all of you that wanted to do this? huh?


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Angela Power said...

Look at ya all chillin on the boat! It all sounds so fun and relaxing!

We'll chat tonight @bootycamp re Farmer's Market etc.

Glad you're back chicka. Honestly I haven't seen you in WEEKS

Anonymous said...

Haha, Love those quotes! ;)

You look so at ease and relaxed out on the lake. Isn't vacation wonderful?