Tuesday, July 28, 2009

New Trainer, New Groceries

So today I learned that our Booty Camp instructor, Heather, can no longer instruct us.  She has injured her shoulder and might require surgery!  Eeeeek.  So the other lovely Halifax instructor, Esther, has taken over.

Esther’s teaching style is slightly different…more peppy…and her drills are a little different…more kickboxing, less running…but the end result is still me breathing hard, sweating, and knowing that tomorrow something is going to hurt.  I call triceps this time!

Before leaving for camp I realized that I should probably make a quick snack because I hadn’t eaten all that much today and it would be a while before dinner (planned to go grocery shopping before coming home).  No fresh fruit in the house so I improvised…

1/2 frozen banana chopped up with organic vanilla yogurt and a sprinkle of Kashi Go Lean Crunch.  Proteiny goodness!


And now look at tonight’s grocery haul.  Not too shabby considering I went in without a list…which is generally a no-no because then I start browsing and end up with half of the store.  I managed to keep it under $100 (barely!) which is the high end of a stock-up week budget for us.

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At least half of this is fresh produce…yum.

Treats are these two packs of baked goods I got for half price on clearance.  Mini danishes…haven’t had these in years!  But for $2 I couldn’t pass them by.  :)  And the blueberry scones I plan to put in the freezer.  Those cheese scones I bought last week were sooooo good I’m hoping the blueberry ones live up to the same expectations!


Knowing dinner was going to be crazy late, I picked up a quick frozen meal for myself (FH ate leftover pizza that he ordered for himself while I was away…oh ya, he got back from Winnipeg while I was in Ontario.)  This is a Blue Menu Seafood Trio En Papillote


I served it with a piece of bread to soak up all that yummy slightly curried broth.  Not as good as I remember it from the last time I tried it, but it hit the spot.


While catching up on True Blood and Entourage (damn HBO and their awesome cliff hangers!!!) on the PVR I had a little dessert.  A blueberry mini danish with a side of red grapes…and some popcorn for the crunch factor.  I’ve also chugged two big bottles of water tonight…sooo thirsty.

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Too bad it was about 4 hours before I left to come home that I finally remembered to get back to taking food photos this weekend.  There were some yummy salads, a veggie omelette, and some fruit & yogurt that totally should have been documented.  Bad me.

Instead you get to see airplane food.  Airplane food that I bought at the airport.  But at least it’s actually good airport food!  It helps that Toronto’s airport is big enough to have more than just a Tim Hortons!  I found this place called Upper Crust (apparently it’s a European chain!) that offered fresh baked goods, fresh fruit, and sandwiches on fresh baguettes.  Nice!

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I opted for two heavenly cookies…one chocolate chunk, one cranberry white chocolate…and a clubhouse baguette with light mayo and lean turkey.

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I enjoyed the chocolate cookie with a tea once I got through security (where I had hoped to blog but Pearson doesn’t have free WiFi…buggers) and saved the baguette for on the plane.  The other cookie actually made it all the way home and I ate it after Booty Camp tonight.  Deeeeeelish.

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Those were some friggin’ good cookies.  Comfort food for the soul.

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Anonymous said...

I'd say you did pretty awesome for $100 worth of stuff.

Those cookies look delicious!

Stephanie said...

That is a TON of food for $100! Good job!

I can't wait to go grocery shopping when I get paid on Friday. Hunting through scraps in the pantry sucks and I end up eating unhealthy things because it's cheaper that way.

~Melanie said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't believe you got all that for $100! Great job!

eurydice said...

i hope i don't see those cookies tomo at the airport!