Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sugar Overload

Poor FH seems to have contracted yet another cold, so with having to be on the cold ship all day yesterday and overnight he's come home sicker than a dog. (what does that mean anyway?!) He got home really early this morning so rather than disturb me in bed, he curled up on the couch. Poor guy. Of course, he was still there when I went downstairs to start my day so I had to be quiet and couldn't do too much in the kitchen.

So I put on the coffee and put together a quick and easy breakfast of Liberte yogurt and a fruit plate. I was planning to curl up on the couch with my book this morning but he foiled that plan so I ended up at the kitchen table instead.

He woke up just as I was finishing eating, and since I'd promised him pancakes and sausages for Sunday breaky I landed up eating a second breakfast. I had figured he was going to sleep half the day away....if I'd known he would be hungry within the hour I wouldn't have bothered with the filling bowl of yogurt!

Easy pancakes made with Bisquick & vanilla soy milk (ssshhhhh....he doesn't know that!) and these cute little Johnsonville breakfast sausages I found at the store the other day. I only ate two pancakes and one sausage...the rest I saved for a snack tomorrow instead.

After eating I got to decorating my sugar cookies. I forgot to mention last night that in between my paperwork sorting I baked off 5.5 dozen cookies.

I iced all but one dozen, which I put into the freezer for sometime in the future. Aren't they festive and cute?! I taste tested one of the little ones with the Smarties just because for some reason I had a baker's dozen of those. The icing seems to be hardening quite nicely so I'll be packing some of these up as gifties for some friends.

I've also done two loads of laundry and cleaned the kitchen and one pantry cupboard. Now it's time for more paperwork sorting and data entry. Oh yippee. At least once I get all of this paper off the floor, I'll have room to do some yoga!
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tash said...

Those cookies are so pretty!

Anonymous said...

Very festive!

Jen said...

CUTE!!!! You are just like Martha Stewart!! Wanna come live at my house???

ElleBee said...

Your cookies look awesome!!

Angela Power said...

OMG I swear I only looked away for like a second and then there's like 39848573 new posts here! lol

Your cookies/breakfasts/flowers/COCONUT CREAM PIE LARABARS looks awesome!! (They are the best aren't they?!)

eurydice said...

your cookies look so tasty and cute - you are a regular martha!

Randi said...

Your cookies look good! (HA! That sounds dirty!)
If you feel like sharing your recipe that would be cool. I love sugar cookies but never ice mine. And a hard icing that means easy delivery sounds really good.