Monday, April 20, 2009

A little bit of everything...

You probably noticed I took yesterday off from food porn. I spent the day recovering from the 16km hike, cleaning like a mad woman, and running errands. I started to take some photos, but in the end I just decided that you all didn't need to see yet another Starbucks cup, my leftover lobster club, or a shrimp stirfry. Sadly I had to miss my warm yoga class because my achy hip joints starting acting up, so yet another week has gone by and it's now close to two months since I've been to class. Sad. :(

Fast forward to today!


morning coffee - I'm really enjoying the Pike Place Blend

hempy oats - rolled oats, water, vanilla Hemp Milk, flax meal, hemp seeds, chopped dried apricots, dried cherries, 1/2 banana cooked in....topped with almond butter (note: hemp seeds do not cook well...they stay hard and the husks come off and taste terrible)

turkey and avocado sammich - AMAZING multigrain Portugese bun, smidge light mayo, grainy dijon, 1/4 avocado sliced, tomatoes, brocolli sprouts, deli turkey

served it some grapes and a Coke Zero (which I switched out for water instead...wasn't feeling the pop)
post-gym - a chocolate soy milk drink box - I used to drink one of these after every kickboxing class!

freaking tasty salad - marinated some sliced strawberries in a big splash of balsamic, then mixed some baby greens, chopped tomato, chopped cucumber, the last handful of chickpeas and another 1/4 avocado chunked - added the strawberries and dressed the whole works with a sweet dressing of simply a squirt of honey & lemon whisked with olive oil. Deeeeeeeeeeeelish.

served it up with a huge dollop of lemon dill hummus and about 1/2 serving of salty multigrain Tostitos.

dessert - Liberte Mediterranne Lemon yogurt with blackberries - I cannot believe how incredibly thick and creamy this yogurt is. You can stand a spoon straight up in it!!


Due to reading an itinerary incorrectly I found myself with an extra free evening tonight. So what did I do? Of course I headed off to the gym! My plan was to aim for 25 minutes on the treadmill today, but apparently everyone else in town thought today was a good day for a workout too. Not a treadmill to be had! I still got a fantastic workout though....probably burned more calories that a run would have too.
- 20 minutes elliptical variable resistance
- 5 minutes elliptical reverse "running"
- 10 minutes rowing machine
- 10 minutes brisk incline walk on treadmill (oh sure, NOW there's one free!)

Plus abs:
- 1 minute plank x 2
- 1 minute side plank per side
- 1 set regular crunches (15), 1 set reverse crunches, 2 sets bicycle crunches
- 3 sets hamstring curls with the ball

Tomorrow morning one of my bestest girlfriends from back home in Victoria will be here!!! I've just finished making her room all spiffy and have power-cleaned our entire house. I can't wait to see her....the next week is going to be so. much. fun. :)
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tash said...

Where do you get those buns? I NEED to eat one after seeing you rave about them.

Have fun with your friend!!!

Cat said...

Enjoy your friend Jaime!

I can't have those multi-grain tostidos in my house...their salty goodness just calls to me!!

Have a wonderful time!!

Shannon (The Daily Balance) said...

sandwich looks awesome -- bun looks so doughy! yumyumyum ;)

Have a great time with your girlfriend ;)

ElleBee said...

I hope you gals have a great time this week!

How did you enjoy the hemp milk? That sandwhich looks yummy!

Lady J said...

Have you thought about becoming a professional photographer.... you're pics are amazing and make the food look soooo yummie!!

Angela Power said...

I've been dreaming about a good sammie after seeing that bun! It all looks fantastic as usual! You must be so excited about your friend coming!

RYC: YES of COURSE COME to beach yoga this summer!

Pheonix said...

That sandwich looks SO FREAKING GOOD! MMMMMMM sprouts make anything better! :)

Marissa said...

Your sandwich looks yummy!!

Enjoy your friend's visit.