Wednesday, April 01, 2009

I don't do April Fools

But I do celebrate that today is the anniversary of me getting my driver's license (16 years...yoikes!) and also the anniversary of the day my Mom took in her first foster daughter (how has she dealt with teenage girls all of these years? one girl for the first year, then two girls ever since....). It's a big day!

In honor of the shining sun (that will hopefully melt all of yesterday's snow...grrr) I decided to use my "Spring" coffee mug this morning. I was in serious need of that first cup of coffee. When prepping it last night I added a scoop of vanilla hazlenut to the last of my Starbucks Verona blend....nice change!

I was trying to capture the sunlight here, but you'll just have to take my word for it. :)

After enjoying that first cuppa and catching up on emails and blogs I headed back down to the kitchen for some breaky. I was feeling a peanut butter craving, so opted for a whole wheat english muffin with natural PB, sliced banana & a drizzle of honey. Added some sliced canteloupe and red grapes on the side. Delish.

FH drove himself to work this morning so no early-ass trip to the gym for me. Wednesdays are my nutty conference call day, so I think my cardio will have to wait until after work. It will be a mad rush, but I'll make it work.

Today's menu plan...

- coffeeeeee w/ brown sugar & skim
- english muffin w/ pb & banana, side of fruit
- hummus & veggie wrap, soup
- Kashi granola bar
- baked chicken boobies, mashed taters, gravy, steamed brocolli & cauliflower (let's try this again!)
- fruit & yogurt Pin It


Shirls said...

ok, I love your spring mug! its so darn cheery, I need one! so stealing that idea, especially after waking up to yet another snowfall. Last year I had George on the road at this time, this year we are still getting snow and snow and snow.. *sigh*

Pheonix said...

hahahaha I call them chicken boobies too! Hey have you tried mashing up cauliflower instead of taters? It's SOOOO good, there's a recipe on my blog thats adapted from ESBM! Have a good one!

Jaime said...

I've done the mashed cauliflower and while it's yummy, it's just not the same. Remember, FH is a meat and potatoes kind of man!

Angela Power said...


Vanessa said...

Cute mug!

eurydice said...

i'm loving these food pics lately!