Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Fine, You be Clooney.

People. You neeeeeed to watch Cupid. I actually laughed out loud at this week's episode (did you seeeeee the moonwalking? hysterical I swear!). Who knew how freaking adorable Bobby Carnavale could be?! I sure didn't. But I'm now in total LOVE. (This show better catch on, because every show I've liked for the last three seasons hasn't made the cut!)

And while I'm talking about television love....
Adam on American Idol. If that dude doesn't take the win I'll be shocked and horrified. Show.Man.Ship. And he can sing.

OK, back to our regularly scheduled blogging....

Another nice day in Halifax, but it certainly wasn't the 28* degrees we had yesterday. I think maybe around 15* today with wind of course. Needed my sweater when I went to the gym this time.

Treadmill: identical to yesterday... 2 minute walking warmup, 8 min run, 2 x 4 minute run, with 1 min walking in between, 5 min cooldown (25 mins, 1.80mi, 215 cals)

Upper Body: 10 minutes rowing machine, 3 sets of 12 tricep curls, bicep curls, shoulder presses (all 15 pounds)

Finished with a full set of
Eurydice's bum exercises, because my hips were stiff from yesterday and the leg extensions totally help with that. Not to mention the plank position for the arms.

Today's eats were totally random but I think pretty good...let's see...

- coffee x 2
- toast w/
White Chocolate Wonderful PB, grapes & watermelon
- leftover tuna salad with
Food Should Taste Good multigrain chips
- dried fruit (cherries, apricots, yogurt covered cranberries)
- tiny serving Kashi Crunch w/ vanilla hemp milk about 40 mins before gym
- banana bread Larabar post-gym
- 1/2 grilled marinated chicken breast, steamed brocolli, slice of 7 grain crusty bread w/ Olivina
- banana chips
- and now I'm going downstairs for a glass of milk and a tasty treat :)

I promise product reviews are coming soon. Stay tuned.
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Anonymous said...

To make the degree symbol: & deg ; with no spaces. See?: °

foolsfitness said...

It's cool to see you working in a more total fitness route than some blogs I have read.

You are thinking about food, fitness, and even some mental fitness to relax with some tv time.

After reading the swooning in your post I am now reorgainizing my life goal sheet checklist to include...

Reach level of total fitness that someone will refer to me as "freaking adorable"...

I am the fool in foolsfitness!- Alan

Cat said...

Way to get right back into your work out schedule Jaime! That's awesome!

Now, I miss your camera too...not only for the food pics, but I really wanted to see poics of you all dolled up with your gf!!

Julie said...

Ok I watched it once I like it. Now I can't ever find it on. When does it play??

I think Adam will win.

You are doing really good on the fitness wagon! Way to go!!!

Rebecca said...

Yay! From another Adam fan! You should look at old videos of him on youtube- they are great!

Vanessa said...

You rock, and you totally put me to shame. :)

Angela Power said...

Yup, you are rockin the treadmill these days! Next year I see YOU on the finish line at the bluenose! :-D

Jaime said...

Thanks Alan! That's totally my be balanced and well-rounded. Can't be healthy if you aren't happy. Keep it real!

Cat...I totally wanted to show off my girls night photos. Boooo.

Angie...maybe there's another 5km this Summer?

Julie...Cupid is on Tuesdays I think. I just have the PVR set to record it. I have a feeling it wasn't on last week, which might be why you feel like you are missing it.

eurydice said...

my mom is obsessed with Adam - i have to admit - he is terrific!

Fatinah said...

my whole family loves Cupid - nice clean family fun and a giggle or two to boot!!