Monday, March 02, 2009

Lots to Say

I'm tired. Back to the regular routine of getting up at the crack of way-too-early to drive FH to work and hit the gym. Top that with FH's crazy insomnia making it impossible for me to get a full night's sleep and you have a sleeeeepy girl. Poor guy just can't seem to get into a decent sleeping rhythm since he got back from that long trip at sea, and try as he might to not disturb me it still keeps me awake half the night. So since I was just laying there anyway I ended up getting up 15 minutes early this morning, unloaded the dishwasher, packed my gym bag, prepped coffee, and landed up scraping the ice off the car (though that is HIS job!). I did get my trip to the gym out of the way though, which is great because I have a hair appointment tonight and wouldn't be able to get a workout in.

My hip joints are crazy stiff from yesterday's warm yoga class. We did a couple sets of pigeon pose, which I love, but they always leave my hips feeling quite tender. Due to this, I opted not to run today. Instead I did a fast paced interval walk with mildly varying inclines on the treadmill for 25 minutes, then followed it up with a 15 minute random ride on the recumbent bike. Didn't work up the usual sweat-fest but did manage to rack up the same number of burned calories so all is good. Finished up with my usual bum exercises and crunches.

Some of you were curious about the rest of my weekend. I did indeed get my extra great workout in on Saturday. Hit the treadmill for a good, solid run...then the Stairmaster for 10 minutes of fast climbing (let me just say that SOS by Rhianna is an excellent song for this!)...did crunches, bum exercises, planks, triceps pulldowns, and bicep curls on the bosu. Came home and enjoyed my perogies guilt free and even had a little chocolicious snack in the evening. It feels so good to enjoy a treat knowing that I've totally earned it!

Yesterday we slept in a bit (obviously so not helping FH's insomnia!). I decided to make a bowl of oatmeal since I wasn't going to be eating lunch before heading to my 3:30 yoga class. I loaded it up with banana, dates, & almond butter. Had a few spoonfuls of that decadent dulce de leche Liberte yogurt too.....soooooo freaking good. After yoga I stopped for a couple of groceries and got myself a Carrot Cake Clif Bar, then came home to make dinner. Made a quickie chicken pot pie, served it with spinach salad. Later on I had a serving of Kettle Chips and some decaf tea.

Weighed in this morning with an STS. Woooooooooohooooooooooooooooo!!

Today's menu...

- 1/2 banana (pre-gym)
- whole grain bran toast w/ choco PB2 & other 1/2 of banana
- coffeeeeeeeeeee w/ demarar & skim
- grapes
- small ww tortilla w/ deli chicken, avocado, matchstick carrots, light mayo
- lemon dill hummus, rice Krisps, carrot sticks
- early dinner of leftover chicken pot pie, steamed brocolli
- snack at hairdresser...granola bar?
- maybe some berries & non-fat Activia yogurt when I get home Pin It


eurydice said...

Wow you are getting in tons of activity lately - I'm impressed. Maybe some herbal insomnia pills would help DF!

Angela Power said...

I just bought some dates and the coconut flavoured Liberte (the full fat kind - uh oh!) :-D

insomnia = not fun!