Friday, February 20, 2009

Dancing on the Treadmill

I so totally know what the first music downloads on my new computer are going to be....and what I'll be running to at the the gym tomorrow....

FitHits: Movie Edition

Love. It. (well, maybe minus their closing choice...but I'm willing to give it a try!) Pin It


Jenn said...

The cool down song was a fight between Whitney and Seal (Kiss from a Rose). :)

Shirls said...

I have songs that I feel the urge to pump my arms in the air for, while running on the treadmill but so far I've been able to resist.. LOL

Jen said...

*laughs* I think I would rather have Kiss from a Rose!!! I am NOT a whitney fan!!!

I always get my groove on while walking on the treadmill!! Sometimes I snap my fingers (EMBARRASSING!!) but I also walk to the tune of the song and shake my head and hips...I have issues!