Saturday, January 17, 2009


I totally bombed yesterday. No workout and terrible food choices. Plus, I seem to have picked up FH's cold. Booooo.

I did good until late afternoon, when the Carrot Cake Clif Bar I had picked up starting calling my name. I had intended to only eat half with a cup of tea, but alas chowed down the whole thing. Would have been fine if I'd actually found time for my Shred but I didn't. Work had to take priority...I'm still playing catch up from Christmas holidays! Not sure if you noticed but that means I missed all three planned Shreds this week. Damn.

When dinner time rolled around I hadn't planned anything. That is never good. We ended up ordering Chinese food. Way to top off my already sodium-laden day!! At least two of the dishes were veggie heavy...not that the chicken balls were anywhere close to a good idea. Top that with two glasses of red wine and a few handfuls of guacamole tortilla chips and I've now blown all of my flex points. At least we had a fun night in and enjoyed the dinner!

This morning I'm definitely feeling the effects of catching FH's cold....scratchy throat and sniffly nose. I'm hoping the major symptoms hold off because we do have a date-night tonight. I always seem to be sick for our nice dinners! Because of this, I slept in and missed the gym. Second Saturday in a row. Arrrgh. Hopefully I can kick this habit over the next four weeks while FH is at sea. I always seem to do better going to the gym when he's away because I am not just cuddling up in the living room to spend time with him. This is my goal!!

The good part about getting up late is that I don't need to eat as much. I'm hoping to make it through the day with light meals so I can still have a great meal for date-night and not spend the whole time worrying about what I'm stuffing in my piehole. :) We're off to at least there is lots of seafood and light choices on the menu.

Today's eats:

- 2 x coffee with brown sugar & skim milk
- oatmeal with vanilla Almond Breeze, 1/2 banana, sprinkle coconut, 1 tbsp dried cherries & 10 choco chips
- watermelon
- cherries
- pre-dinner tide-me-over snack: carrots, hummus, pickles, crackers, light cheddar
- lots of water (one with an Emergen-C packet)
- dinner: salad appy, something seafoody!, probably wine Pin It


tash said...

Have fun tonight!

I totally bombed yesterday too - really and food choices and no exercise . . . oh well, you enjoy yourself and then you move on right?

Tiffa said...

I had a rough day yesterday as well.

Hope the rest of the weekend is better. Feel better soon!

Espressomama said...

Mmmmm McElvie's...have fun!

Jen said...

Even though you "bombed" you didn't do AS bad as you could have right???

I really admire you, girl. I have been chatting with you for what, 2 years now??? And I have barely seen you 5 lbs above your maintenance, there are lots of us out here who have gained 20 + lbs and you have this AWESOME never let yourself stray TOO much and you should REALLY be proud of that!!!

That being said though, I know that straying from ANY plan is a kick in the butt, so get your butt in gear and do your Shred ;p (says me who is suddenly terrified that Jillian Michaels will jump from the TV when I stop to take a MUCH NEEDED breather!!!)

Mon said...

oh McKelvies is amazing! Hope you enjoyed