Thursday, December 18, 2008

Just to clarify...

...all the extra Starbucks...

If I was at home working, I'd have two cups of coffee in the morning. However, I'm camping out with some gracious friends who do not drink regular coffee at home so I am having to supplement my caffeine needs with tea in the mornings. And let me tell you that when you are used to a couple of cups of joe...tea don't cut it! :)

So therefore I have to cough up a few bucks for a coffee down the block...and believe it or not Starbucks is the closest coffee joint (that I know of anyway). :)

At least I'm getting a good 20 minute walk in for each trip I make! Pin It


Vanessa said...

Enjoy your coffee, you're on vacay!!! :)

♥ Dee ♥ said...

Feeling the need to justify??


Just teasing!

Angela Power said...

I'm starting to become a bit of a coffee junky myself I am starting to see....waitilya see my breakfast from this morning!

WWSuzi said...

:) Me i'm a tea a holic don't care about the java just give me a tetley!!
Enjoy your vacation.

Jen said...

*laughs* as I hit the comment button I just noticed your tag of "caffeine is my crack" kill me! I love it!

I usually drink 2 or 3 coffees a day while on vacation...I don't know why, but I do...that's something I am looking forward to when coming to Hali (maybe not 2 0r 3 a day, but frequent visits! ;p)