Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tuesday already?

I have three days worth of stuff to catch up on, and believe me I have a lot to say! But work is swamped due to the long weekend, so I'll post today's info now and come back later for the weekend recap.

Getting to the gym during the day is going to be tough, but I'll try. As mentioned I have a mound of work to get through, plus a call with my boss right smack in the middle of my day so I might have to wait until this evening. I'm fine with that as long as my chiropractor is fine with that....I have an appointment with him at 5:30 and I'm always leary about doing strength training right after a treatment. Either way, I can still at least do cardio....I hope! The sun is out today so I can definitely find time at lunch for a brisk walk around the neighborhood. I didn't get out for that this weekend like I had hoped, so now's a good time!

My arm/neck/shoulder is still buggered but it does definitely seem better and the radiating pain down my arm is a lot less frequent. Hopefully today's session at the chiro is the one that finally releases that muscle and starts the healing process. If not, my chiro has suggested I try massage therapy...which I'm all over because in a week I have to sit on an airplane for like 8 hours and I do not want to be this uncomfortable!

Activity this weekend was really good. Eating not so much, but I was down on the scale yesterday morning... 153.8... which is a 2.2 pound loss this week so I'm pretty stoked about that. If I can lose 2 more pounds this week I'll be happy for my business trip to Vegas. I have new clothes and want them to fit their best!

There were a few indescretions due to boredom last night...some club soda cupcakes, some candy, and a bowl of chips and dip that I soooo did not need. Yet more food waste when I crammed the rest of the chips into the garbage can. Stooooopid chips. Buh-bye! I hate wasting food...why do I even buy that shit?! Now there are no temptations left in the house, so all is well for the work week. :) Need to save myself for the GTG on Saturday!

Today's goals: walk at lunch, some sort of gym activity, 3 litres of water, stay on plan

Today's menu...

- Kashi Crunch with vanilla Almond Breeze
- coffeeeeeeeeeee
- grapes
- egg salad on toasted english muffin
- carrot sticks
- mini banana
- Wolfgang Puck Chicken Noodle Soup
- sesame rice crackers & real cheddar
- strawberries & vanilla Liberte Svelt yogurt
- club soda cupcake if I go to the gym and earn it

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ElleBee said...

Yah for throwing the chips out!!

Can't wait for the G2G on Sat night - I posted a msg on the event wall about maybe going for a nice stroll before dinner, weather permitting of course. :)

eurydice said...

i always wonder why i buy crap too! so useless.