Thursday, July 03, 2008

One day down...

Yesterday went really well, but I'm not going to jump and down and congratulate myself too much (OK, maybe a weeeeeeeee bit!) yet because one day is's keeping it going for a week or a month that is tough. But I did stay exactly on plan, drank my water, and got to bed early for once. :)

Just a side note.... instead of putting my chopped oranges in my cottage cheese yesterday I put them in my Asian Slaw and it was FREAKING FANTASTIC.

This morning we had to drop my car off for an oil change and such, so again I was up early and got my arse to the gym. Cardio day. 20 minutes treadmill random inclines, level 15 - 20 minutes elliptical glut routine setting - 20 minutes recumbant bike, random, level 8. My ass is gonna hurt later tonight! (12km travelled)

Treated myself to a double tall non-fat vanilla latte from the 'Bucks today. I needed a dairy serving anyway. :)

Today's plan...

- my yummy 3 point latte
- 1/2 of a Satisfibre natural blueberry bar
- strawberries & blackberries
- lunch is leftovers....Asian slaw, few orange segments, chunk of chicken
- 1/2 of a container of Liberte vanilla yogurt with chocolate muesli
- dinner is Sobey's sundried tomato & basil extra lean turkey sausage (so tasty!) grilled on the BBQ, with salad, and steamed brocolli...with Newman's Italian on the salad & a bit of fresh grated parmesan for the brocolli. (maybe a couple of roasted baby potatoes because I promised DBF a starch tonight)
- evening snack - either cottage cheese with pineapple, a creamsicle, or the rest of my yogurt with berries
- and a litre of water with each meal Pin It

1 comment:

Fatinah said...

you made it through the day! Never mind thinking about doing for a week or a month. Just keep doing it for a day. And you will rock it!!

Oranges in your asian slaw does sound so yummy!!