Monday, June 23, 2008

Back to our regularly scheduled health programming...

What a good night! and a lovely day yesterday! But booooo to the water retention this morning! I saw 155.8 on the scale, which is up 1.2 lbs from last week....not exactly the direction I want to go....but not exactly a surprise either. A whole lotta meaty, cheesy goodness....and not enough veggies and water. Obviously today is the beginning of a week of picking up the pieces. :)

Our Eight Week Summer Challenge has now ended. What are we doing now?? I didn't make my gym goal...I got in 13 of the 20 days I needed in the last 28 days. For Summer I can't confine myself to indoor activity....although I think that 3 days per week is what still needs to happen. I did however bust through my 50km goal so I'm pretty happy about that! I think some sort of LuluLemon giftie to myself might still be in order for that. haha. :) I still want to get in another 20km before the end of June as my personal challenge, but that shouldn't be a problem at all.

I'll be heading off to the gym later this morning, and stopping at the store for a few items to help with today's recovery plans. We are in need of yogurt and veggies big time.

Todays' big plan....

- water, water, water
- vitamins
- coffeeeeeeee
- All Bran bar
- cherries & nectarine
- skim milk
- yogurt, cottage cheese, pineapple
- PC BM bagel with light Laughing Cow & sliced tomatoes
- baby carrots & celery
- dinner: grilled asparagus, salad, chicken breasts with havarti & salami
- grapes
- 100 cal pack organic cookies
- peppermint tea

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1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Sounds like you did great at the party and not chowing down after a workout AND at the grocery store is a mega victory!

Congrats! I tried Starbucks for the second time on Saturday and I think it could be an addiction! Yum! Although the menu is a bit intimidating!