Friday, May 02, 2008

Relay Support

While I was posting my morning blog, I got a fantastic email from the Canadian Cancer Society letting me know that I had received another pledge for my Relay for Life. The fantastic Miss Jen has pushed me over my halfway mark!!! Thanks Jen for your support. I sooooo appreciate it.

Edit: then the other fabulous Jen just jumped in too! Thank you!

Edit #2: holy, big day in Relay-land! Thanks to lovely Cat for joining the cause!

It's just so incredible to me, that we all have such a support system here in our crazy blogger world. Who knew we'd become a little family?!!

If you want to help support me in the Relay for Life, in memory of my Dad and Grandma, and in support of survivors and families everywhere, you can donate here.

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Unknown said...

Hey Jamie. I just pledged $25, in memory of my Grandma who died from cancer when I was 7.

I'm glad you're almost at your goal! :)

Jen said...

Yay, Jen's are awesome!!

I kid (well, no I don't but whatever) are doing an awesome wonderful thing, so how can I not support???

I seriously want to do a "blog tour" one day (visit all the cities of the girls I "blog with")...thankfully a lot of you are grouped together!

Cat said...

Hey!! I just donated! Thanks for doing this, I really appreciate all of you who take part in these events, so I will always support!