Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Evening Recap

Got to the gym around 3pm (much needed break from workday!) and decided that rather than just sticking to my trusty treadmill that maybe I would break it up a bit and use the cross-trainer instead. It's more fun for sprints anyway! Plus, it's connected to the cardio theatre so I could watch Rachel Ray. :) So, I did a 5 minute warm-up, then 45 second sprints with 45 second recoveries for about 15 minutes. That's the other thing about the cross-trainer....you can go way faster because of the self propulsion.... around 5mph for walking and over 10mph for the sprints. Crazy! I finished up with a 5 minute cooldown at about 4mph. According to the machine I went 2.6 miles and burned exactly 250 calories. Nice.

Then I decided since it was nice to be off the treadmill that I would use the elliptical for my inclines. There are two different types of ellipticals to chose from so I picked the fancier looking one because I'd never used it before. The only real difference is that it has the moving arm things like the cross-trainer does...the other ellipticals have stationary arms. Anyway, I cranked up the tension and set the ramp at a midway point of 10. Did 5 minutes like that, then pushed it all the way up to 20 for another 5 minutes, then down to 5 for a glute workout for the final 5 minutes. Another 120 calories burned and just over 2 miles travelled.

I was going to do some calf and glute exercises, but I honestly hadn't actually planned any out and I was sweating like a mad woman...and I really had to get back to work...so I didn't do any. No biggie really.

I treated myself to a Starbucks double tall no-fat vanilla latte on my way home....it's freaking cold and gloomy outside...totally a cozy latte day. I'll just skip my yogurt later and call it even. It's a better dairy serving anyway. :) Pin It

1 comment:

Christina said...

I love a great latte especially went it is cold out, it has been crappy here in Montreal too