Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Snack Attack

When I did the first big grocery shop after our move, I picked up a box of Eggo plus Fibre frozen waffles while wandering around the frozen foods department. It's been forever and a day since I bought Eggos but I thought they might make for a fun & easy weekend breakfast.

Well I finally got around to trying them and they are sooo yummy!

I had planned for two, but with the toppings I chose I only needed one for a filling breakfast. It was crunchy yet fluffy and it had kind of a toasted grain taste to it, which I find much tastier than the plain version. I topped mine with a scoop of 1% cottage cheese and half of a chopped banana.

There are eight waffles in the box, so I know what I'll be eating for the next eight days. It was that good! I will experiment with different toppings, but the base waffle shall remain the same!

(Note: while looking for the link & photo for this I stumbled onto the Kellogg's US site....OMG, the varieties they have down there look incredible. Dudes, they have a 99% fat free Special K Eggo. Not fair!!)
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1 comment:

Amz said...

MMMM I love eggos.

I'm doing some shopping down there later this month, I will keep my eyes peeled!