Monday, February 11, 2008

Snack Attack

OK, it's not totally the same as a big bucket of movie theatre popcorn drenched in butter and salt, but it sure makes me fell a lot less guilty (and a lot less butter-bloated) to sit down with a bowl of Orville Redenbacher's SmartPop when I'm watching a DVD in the evening.

I crave salty snacks after dinner quite often, and where I might have reached for a bowl of Cheetos or chips in the past, I try to head to the microwave instead now. I prefer the original "fake butter" version, but there is a Kettle Corn version now too.

Admittedly it is a tiny bit dry on it's own, so try saving a point or two for a smidge of real melted butter or use one of your daily oils and heat up a bit of olive oil to drizzle over it. Either of these will help a sprinkling of salt (or seasoning salt, or cinnamon, or cayenne...whatever you like) stick to the kernels and make it a yummy, satisfying snack. In a pinch, you can even just spray it with a little Pam to work as glue for your seasonings.

100 calorie packs are available, but I find they never seem to be on sale for as good a deal as the regular I just keep the uneaten portion in a ziplock bag for the next day. (So sue me, I like cold popcorn!)
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