Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Snack Attack

I have yogurt for breakfast almost every day. And if it's not for breakfast, it's my mid-morning snack. Generally I look for a vanilla variety, but every once in a while I crave something different. I'm not a fan of the mixed berry sorts, but once I discovered Source Lemon Meringue Parfait dessert yogurt I was in LOVE.

I don't like any yogurts with aspartame in them. I can always taste it no matter how good the yogurt is. This one is made with Splenda which keeps the calories way down, and even though it's fat free it is super creamy.

I especially like it with fresh blackberries or blueberries, but it's good with some granola or All Bran sprinkled in too. They make other dessert flavors too, but after trying them all this one is the winner for me.
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Jen said...

I can't even describe how much I love that yogurt!!!! I crumbled some graham crackers in it once and it tasted like pie!!!! (but I usually have it with all bran...good way to "sneak" the fibre in)

eurydice said...

I love these yogurts - just like dessert mmmmmm!