Sunday, June 07, 2009

Date Night

Saturday morning I arrived home from the Relay around 7am.  It’s about a 45 minute drive home from the Relay site for me…plus I made a stop for gas and a stop at the grocery store (we have a 24 hour Sobey’s near my house).

By the time I showered and made up the spare bed (I wanted a whole glorious bed to myself for stretching out my stiff legs, back and muscles) I was in bed around 8am.  Slept until sometime after noon, when I got up to visit with FH and a friend of ours that had slept over (boys night out!).

My eating was TERRIBLE at the Relay…damn those delicious cookies Melanie brought.  :)  So I tried to keep my eats fresh and fruity for the day, knowing FH and I were going out for a rich and meaty date night dinner later on.

Started the day with a fresh croissant with light cream cheese and berry jam…also grapes an OJ.  Plus coffeeeeeee of course. 

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I snacked a bit more in the afternoon on some of the leftover mixed nuts, chocolate peanuts and a yogurty parfait for my lunch.


In the bowl: Liberte Svelt vanilla yogurt, sliced strawberries, pineapple, and a crushed up banana coconut oatmeal muffin.

Mostly I just snoozed on the couch…and woke up refreshed and ready to go at 7pm.

Our date night took place at Cut Steakhouse.  It is a true a la carte steak house with modern, funky decor and a comfortable vibe.  I opted not to take photos (although I am a little sad about it because the food is beautiful!) because this was a date night, plus the restaurant is quite open and it would disturb other guests. 

It was fantastic. 

I started with a crisp, cool Cosmopolitan and a couple of glasses of water.  Still dehydrated from the long Relay night I really needed the water…but also just love to start a nice meal with a well made Cosmo.  :) 

FH didn’t want an appetizer, but I was seriously craving veggies so I ordered a Caesar salad.  It was delicious!!  Full romaine leaves with homemade croutons and a salty homemade dressing. I powered through it…FH joked that conversation could wait until I was finished.  :)  Sorry honey…I was hungry!!

I opted for the 6oz petit filet as my main…and chose their morrell mushroom sauce on the side (I have a girlfriend who goes there just for this sauce so I had to try it…deeeeelish!).  FH chose a 12oz NY striploin…his favorite cut.  We shared three side dishes: truffled mashed potatoes, sweet potato gratin, and asparagus three ways.  All extremely rich and fabulously delicious.  I could make a meal of just the side dishes…and honestly next time I just might!!

FH picked out a lovely bottle of Australian red for our meal.  Nothing better than a thick and hearty red wine to accompany a well cooked steak.  What a treat…it was a pricey bottle.  :)

After dinner, I was tempted by the creme brule as I ADORE creme brule and I know that Cut makes a fantastic one…but we were pleasantly full and decided that dessert would ruin the meal.  Wise decision.  :)

After dinner, we walked a few blocks to our favorite watering hole…The Economy Shoe Shop.  We enjoyed some chit-chat at the bar with a few post dinner cocktails…FH with some red ale, me with a couple of tall vodka/sodas.  A late night again!  But we love our “uber-date” nights after FH has been away for long periods of time.  Must make up for the lack of mini-dates and dinners together.  :)

Thank you sweetie.  It was lovely!


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farm girl. said...

your croissant also looks like it needs some fresh from the farm strawberry jam, a la farm girl! remind me - i got a huge stockpile!

Cat said...

I was coming here to talk about how adorable you are and then I read Farm Girls comment about the jam......ddrrrooollll....jaaaammmmm

I love those super late date favorite!

Angela Power said...

Yeah you look pretty damn cute for your date! I LOVEEEE the shoe shop and we MUST plan to go there some night!

Aren't we lucky to have a fresh farm berry connection??! :)